With the world getting smarter day by day, technology shifting towards a faster and efficient paradigm, Novasol is working hard in making sure that the technology industry gets all the right tools, skills and experience.
We have designed and surveyed hundreds of Macro and Small Cells sites nationwide with the best professional tools and methods.
Novasol has a clear edge as we serve multiple departments within the telecommunication sector; we understand critical issues and provide solutions based on the industry’s requirements.
We didn’t stop after successfully introducing drones in the Telecom industry back in 2016 which saved much time, hassle, WHS issues and a massive cost to our clients with more accurate information; and now to make the small cells, IBS and 5G surveys more efficient, productive and proactive Novasol is now introducing state of the art 3D surveying.
3D surveying is a means of obtaining a 360-degree data capture that provides a three-dimensional view of a facility or topographic area.
It is a way of bringing a truly virtual environment of the real world into model space, empowering your teams with more accurate and thorough information to plan projects.
Our service allows an improved decision-making approach to the strategic planning of your project.
Contact us for more details.