The Radio Frequency National Site Archive (RFNSA) is a database used to search for base stations, locate reports, contact details of current sites for carriers, and consult community information on new infrastructure sites to investigate electromagnetic energy.
Novasol can assist you with RFNSA Management. We can create your site, table STAD, submit reports documents, and more.
EME Reporting using RF-Map2
Our RF team can assist the carriers in producing and submitting the EME report and RFmap2 configuration file, as the lead carrier is responsible for performing any mandatory Deployment Code processes and notifications. Our RF engineer double-checks that the other carrier has input their STAD table information before generating any EME reports.
The anticipated EME levels may climb dramatically above what they were previously due to installing several new technologies at various frequencies. Due to the increased power levels and the use of a flat earth model in RFMap2, it is critical to do a near field study on all sites, particularly where there is a change in ground level near the site or where there are tall structures nearby, and where EME levels may be greater than predicted.